
“The Stresses Of Life”
September 27, 2008, 8:33 am
Filed under: Family, LOVE, Personal | Tags: , , , ,

The stresses of life…..whoo! There are many that each of us has. The Loper household is just like any other. Trying to manage all of the different things day in and day out. As most of you know we do not have kids yet but I do have my 76 year old mother that lives with us. That has many challenges just like having kids (If you have an adult dependent living with you then you can relate.). I love and I thank God for Mom but this has been and still is a huge adjustment for her and Andrea and I as well. Thank God that I have a loving wife that understands and overlooks a lot of inconvenience and challenges that an older mother in law living with us entails. Andrea and I love Mom to death but reality is reality and there are situations that we must navigate everyday in order for us to care for Mom. That is just part of “the stresses of life”. We are no different than any other family that deals with things every single day.

Now you add to that, the economy, the election, the war and all of the other stuff it becomes almost unbearable but, but we have a Savior that knows our struggles and cares about us because we are His children. I really do not know how a person copes with “the stresses of life” without the Lord to lean on. We live in a difficult day and age and people are breaking under the weight of it all. That’s why we need to share the love of Jesus Christ because He is the One that can help us bear the weight of life. He’s the One that we can turn to when it seems there is no one. He’s the One that tells us He will never leave or forsake us. He’s the One that knows it all, the good the bad and the ugly, and still cares deeply about us. So what’s the solution or the “pill” for “the stresses of life”? It’s Jesus, He’s the answer! Will the stresses go away? No, but He will help you through them and just when you think you can’t take anymore His peace will cover you so you can make it through!

Today (I Like The Word Great)
September 21, 2008, 10:53 pm
Filed under: Church | Tags: , , ,

Today was a great day at C3. We had great services and I got a chance to meet with another great Community Group tonight. God is blessing so much and I am just thankful that I get to be a part of it. We heard a great sermon about forgiveness from Pastor Byron! Remember what to do when you see those “Ace of Spades” this week all you C3’ers out there. Let’s all remember to love each other and pray for each other this week. How will God use you this week in “your” world! Remember to invest and invite! Have a great week!

Stop Picking Stupid Fights!
September 19, 2008, 10:33 pm
Filed under: Church, LOVE, Pop Culture | Tags: , , ,

I just read a major news story on Fox News and I just have to say a couple of sentences about it. When will mainline denominations learn to just love each other! How can we love people that don’t know Christ when we can’t even love our own brothers and sisters in Christ! No wonder the non-churched want nothing to do with us. If the mainline denominations want to know why they are in decline and are not reaching people they only need to look at themselves and their own stupid “self-righteous” things they do! Stop focusing on the NON-ESSENTIALS and start loving people. How will they recognize us? By our love for each other! Love Christ and love others and stop picking stupid fights with each other!

Mavericks For The Change We Need!

McCain/Palin, Obama/Biden, Bush/Cheney, Kerry/Edwards, Clinton/Gore, Gore/Leiberman, Bush/Quayle, Mondale/Ferraro, Reagan/Bush, Carter/Mondale, etc., etc., etc.  America has had its share of political races during many political seasons in its 232 years. Politics are politics. It is what it is. No matter who runs, or how the economy is, or if we are at war or not and whoever wins, there is only one thing that is a constant. God is in control and He will take care of His children. That means you and me. The only one that we should put our trust in is in Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that God will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory, not the government, not John McCain, not Barack Obama, not even ourselves!

We can not even trust ourselves at times so how in the world can anyone put their ultimate trust in a politician. So don’t get discouraged by this political season. Become involved, vote, try to influence this country, not for your own desires, but for the cause of Christ. Don’t become so consumed by this crazy political season that reaching people for Christ and seeing life-change takes a back seat to a Presidential election that carries no weight in eternity.

Be the best citizen you can be but don’t let that pursuit become a passion that is more pronounced than your passion to be the best Christ-Follower you can be. We will be able to effect more “change” in this great country of ours if more people find Christ, than who occupies the White House in January! So does this country need change? You better believe it does, but the agent of “change” is not going to be Obama or McCain. The only person that can bring meaningful change is Jesus Christ. If we could get as excited about Christ as much as we are excited about McCain or Obama we could seriously be the real “mavericks” that could bring about “the change we need!”

Bodacious 80’s Wrap Up
September 13, 2008, 4:51 pm
Filed under: Church, Pop Culture | Tags: ,

Tomorrow is the last sermon in our Bodacious 80’s series. This series has had a big impact and tomorrow’s message will have the knock out blow! I always look forward to Sundays and tomorrow is no exception. The band will once again be jammin out to the eighties and we are going to find out how God’s Word relates to another incredible eighties tune. You definitely don’t want to miss tomorrow. I promise it will be “totally knarly”! See you there C3’ers!

9/11, A Day To Remember
September 11, 2008, 3:12 pm
Filed under: Friends, LOVE, Personal, Pop Culture | Tags: , , ,

I just wanted to take a few moments just like most people on this day to remember all of those whose lives were affected in some way by the tragic events that took place seven years ago today. I would like to honor the memory of all of those that died on this day and the days following as a result of what took place on this day. The needless loss of those that were so close to us but that are now so far away is painful but something we must live with as individuals and as a country. Whether it was a family member, friend, co-worker, family of friends or a friend of a friend, I believe everyone was touched in some way by the events on that fateful day seven years ago.

It is so strange but I, just like everyone, can remember where they were and what they were doing on that morning seven years ago. It is like one moment in time that just stands still and never moves. It is like a photograph of a small piece of our history.

So I would love to say to family and friends of everyone who lost someone on this day seven years ago, I am so sorry and I share your loss. Just like so many that felt the effects of 9/11, I lost a dear friend as a result of this day’s events seven years ago today. My friend Craig who passed away in an automobile accident on 9/12 because he could not fly to the destination because of grounded flights, I would consider a victim of the events of 9/11. The only way we can honor those who lost their lives as a result of such heinous acts, is to live our lives to the full as Americans and never forget our loved ones and never forget what happened on this day seven years ago.

It’s ok to remember the pain because if you can’t feel pain then you really can’t be alive. The pain of this day runs deep but our love for each other and this awesome country should run much more deep. So on this fateful day in September seven years ago we were dealt a hard and severe blow to our comfort and security that we feel as Americans, but it woke us up to what a cruel and dangerous world we live in and what we must do to protect ourselves and our way of life. So our loved ones did not die in vain but their sacrifice has shown us how precious life is and how blessed we are to live in a free, democratic society that stands for truth and justice. So I will never forget this day as long as I live. September 11, 2001, a day to remember everything good about living a free life with those we love and to honor those who are no longer with us today but still live that free life with us in our memories and in our hearts. 9/11, a day to remember!

A Quick Little Blog
September 8, 2008, 12:25 pm
Filed under: Church, Connections | Tags: , , ,

Hey y’all. I just wanted to get a small little blog in here before I head out of town to meet with some small group pastors from other churches around the country. Yesterday was another great day at C3! I am just so pumped and excited. Yesterday we had 10 people pray to receive Christ and last week we had 6 people pray to receive Christ. It is so incredible to see how God is moving at C3! Keep on investing and inviting, it’s working. Have a great week and I’ll see you on Sunday as we wrap up “Bodacious 80’s”!

The Official End Of Summer
September 1, 2008, 9:08 am
Filed under: Church, Connections | Tags: , , , ,

Alright, y’all! Summer is now over, but the work is just beginning. Things are kickin’ at C3 Church. Fall is traditionally a time of good growth at Church. Everyone is back from vacations, the kids are back in school and new residents can focus on finding a church home. Usually in church life you have a lull in the summertime and can make adjustments and preparations for the fall. As most of you know things don’t quite follow the “traditional” pattern at C3. Over the summer we have seen good growth which really hasn’t given us a “traditional” lull to contemplate the fall. We have been working hard during the summer as we grow much more than expected and at the same time we have been preparing for the fall. So we have been going full steam ahead in the summer leading into a fall. Quite simply said, there has been no difference in the seasons just good hard work continuously all year. That’s not a bad thing! It’s a God thing and I believe how all churches should function if new people are being introduced to Christ.

Yesterday was supposed to be a “down” Sunday because of the last holiday weekend of the summer. But, just like in true form, C3 broke the mold. Yesterday was a crazy day with stunning attendance. We had a ton of first time guests and people are just making church a priority! It is truly fantastic to see what God is doing!

Lastly for those of you who might not know. I will be leading our Community Groups as I take over the role of Small Groups Pastor. Pastor Travis will now be able to focus solely on Children’s and Youth, while I focus on Small Groups and Connections Ministry. I am so excited because we have the potential to see exponential growth in our Community Groups as we continue to make connections with each other as we grow in our walk with Christ. We are also starting a “New Believers Experience” with more details to be shared real soon.

So, y’all, summer is over and the work continues! Pray for the staff as we continue to navigate unbelievable growth and pray for each other as we continue to Connect the Community with Christ! Remember to “Invest and Invite” as we continue the “Bodacious 80’s”! Wow, the end of summer, where did it go?