
Ditto, Ditto
December 28, 2008, 8:23 pm
Filed under: Church, Personal | Tags:

I know that Pastor Byron & Angie have already posted this pic but I couldn’t help but follow suit. I had the pleasure of visiting Grace Fellowship in Orlando this morning and it was a nice morning of worship but I too really missed C3 Church. So tonight when I saw Pastor’s & Angie’s blog I could not help but have the same feeling. I really missed C3 this morning and I can not wait until Sunday to be worshipping back where I belong. C3 Church. C U at C3 on Sunday!


Thankful For Many Things

Alright I know I haven’t blogged forever. Well it’s only been a week and a half but it seems like forever. I have been a busy man joining my wife and helping out her company with the holiday season. It’s been fun and totally different, plus a few extra bucks in the old bank account is an added bonus. Let me start out with the week in review, starting with church last Sunday.

Last Sunday we wrapped up the “Feed the Families” Christmas initiative and it was an incredible success. We had so many of the families come to C3 to visit and we were blessed beyond measure. I believe that the families enriched our lives more than we ever expected. We had almost 800 people in attendance and the atmosphere was just electric. We had more than 20 decisions to become Christ-Followers and a ton of first-time guests. I thank God that I am part of a movement that has a desire to really reach out to the community and in turn change people’s lives.

Secondly it is Christmas. This time of the year is my favorite just like most people. This year has had its challenges but it’s been rewarding nonetheless. Usually my family loves to give presents to each other and enjoy the whole spirit of giving. This year it is even more meaningful because our family wanted to do more than just give gifts to each other. This year as an entire family we made the choice to give to charity what we would have spent on each other. Obviously this is what we as a family felt we wanted to do. There is absolutely nothing wrong with giving presents to each other but we were just blessed this year in such hard times to give to others. This has made this Christmas especially meaningful and fulfilling for us.

As 2008 rapidly comes to a close I thank God for the many things He has done in my life, our family and our church. He has truly moved and enriched our lives. I look forward to 2009 and the great things God has in store for us in the coming year.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Zycam & Cough Drops
December 16, 2008, 2:11 pm
Filed under: Personal, Pop Culture | Tags: , , , ,

Alrighty, I thought that I might be coming down with something on Sunday afternoon. I got that irritated, scratchy feeling in my throat on Sunday afternoon so I went to CVS and proceeded to get some Zycam nose gel (gross) and a bag of cough drops to fight off what might be coming my way. Zycam claims that if you start to take it at the first sign of a cold that it will get you through it quick or might even help you fend it off. Zycam says to take it for 48 hrs. after you feel the first sign and that is when it is most effective. Well I might just be a Zycam cheerleader now because it is Tuesday afternoon and I am feeling pretty good. My sore throat is gone and I seem to have no cold symptoms. I have to say I have a new favorite cough drop as well. Halls Strawberry Flavor is some menthol sweetness going on there! Anyway, at the first sign of a cold get some Zycam & Halls Strawberry and you’ll be good to go! That’s my medical advice for now. Have a happy and healthy Holiday season!

Where We Have Been, Where We Are Going
December 10, 2008, 2:04 pm
Filed under: Church, Connections, LOVE, Personal | Tags: , , ,

Can you believe that we are rapidly approaching the end of 2008? Just a few days ago I was talking with my friends on the C3 management team as we took a few moments to reminiscence about where we have been and where we are going in the movement we call C3 Church. Over the past few years we have had some true challenges and obstacles that we have had to overcome in order to realize our dream of reaching an un-Christian, un-churched demographic here in East Orlando. We were all very thankful for 2008 because we are really starting to see the vision that God had burned in Pastor Byron’s heart and then, in our hearts start to come to fruition. This year we have seen so many un-Christian and un-churched start a meaningful relationship with Christ that it just blows our minds.

We have also seen C3 Church really starting to make an impact on this community. This year alone we have done two food drive initiatives as we partnered with Feed The Children to help make an impact in Orlando. (In fact right now C3 is feeding 100 families in East Orlando for an entire month)  C3 partnered with Bloodwater Mission during the summer and raised enough money to drill a well in Africa. Our Community Groups have been doing community service projects throughout the fall helping organizations like: House of Hope, Orlando Union Rescue Mission, Palm Garden Nursing Home and the list goes on. As C3 Church goes on from here I believe that we will continue to make a huge impact on Orlando and will continue to “Connect the Community with Christ”. Sometimes it’s great to look back and see where we have been and then to look forward to where we are going.

A Chilly Monday Morning
December 8, 2008, 9:25 am
Filed under: Church | Tags: ,

Welcome to a chilly 50 degree morning in sunny O-town. Looking back at Sunday through Monday morning eyes is always a hoot. Sometimes you are thrilled with how everything took place the day before and sometimes you are not happy with the way things shook out on Sunday. Well, today I must say that I am thrilled with how things went from my propective. I thought that the “Feed the Families” food distribution went extremely well for the second week in a row. I also observed all the Connections Team people doing a fantastic job. I spoke to at least three first-time guests and I saw the host/hostesses escorting guests around our campus. The woship experience was incredible (I must say that Josh Wilson and the band’s arrangement of “O Come Let Us Adore Him” was just “sick”, “nasty”, or whatever positive adjective you want to describe it,  just incredible!) And last but not least was the awesome, Spirit-Filled, God-inspired sermon that Pastor Byron shared with C3 (Are you having some “Manger Moments” this week?). All in all a great Sunday that was a great start to a chilly Monday morning in sunny O-town.

Christmas Vacation Kick-Off


This week we start a new sermon series entitled “Christmas Vacation”. This is going to be a great series to invite people to C3 Church to hear. Usually the Holidays are absolutely crazy and Pastor Byron is going to share what God’s Word has to say about what to focus on during this special time of year. It’s also such an awesome series to coincide with our “Feed the Families” campaign during the Holidays. This series will put the proper perspective on Christmas and what it means for us as C3ers as we reach out to others during this Christmas season. Love Wins and Merry Christmas!

It Is A Blessing To Give
December 3, 2008, 9:20 pm
Filed under: Church, Connections, LOVE | Tags: , ,

Tonight we were able to deliver the food to the family that we have adopted in C3’s “Feed the Family” holiday campaign. I just want to say what a blessing to be able to give. Not only the food but of ourselves. The opportunity to get to know people that have tremendous needs and help a little around the holidays is so unbelievably rewarding. There are so many hurting families in East Orlando that just need someone to show some love and to give a little of themselves to make their Christmas a truly memorable one. I am so thankful that C3 Church has the heart to reach out to people and want absolutely nothing from them in return. I am thankful that C3 Church is giving it’s members the ability and opportunity to reach out to others this Christmas. I am so excited to see how God is going to work in my family’s lives. It is truly a blessing to give!

Urgent “Feed the Families” Update
December 1, 2008, 11:10 am
Filed under: Church, Connections | Tags: , ,

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to make you aware of technical difficulties with our website and email. We are working on getting these issues resolved but until that time please click on this link for reporting and more instructions.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. You are making the difference in East Orlando. Thanks for being C3!

Love Wins