
25000 lbs And 100 Families To Go
November 24, 2008, 9:57 am
Filed under: Church, Connections, LOVE, Personal | Tags: , , ,

This last weekend has been a very rewarding kind of weekend and the funny thing is that it’s only going to get better. On Friday I met Barry Leathers, C3’s Executive Pastor, at the storage facility where we are storing our food for “Feed The Families”. We had 25000lbs of food delivered and this food will be distributed for the next four weeks to families that are in need. One of the cool aspects of this whole Holiday community project is that Orange County Public Schools and The Department of Children and Families partnered with us to identify the families that are in need here in East Orange County. Pastor Byron continually asks the question of whether the community would miss us if we (C3Church) were to cease to exist. I think that C3 is establishing itself as an asset to the community as a whole and East Orlando would miss us if we were not around anymore. Showing the love of Christ expecting nothing in return is one of the best ways to reach people with the good news that Christ loves them and wants a relationship with them. So during this Holiday season as 100 C3 families reach out to 100 families who need help, it is going to be incredible how God will use this to change the lives of so many people. It is going to be beyond what we even think. So here we go 25000lbs and 100 families to go. C3, let’s reach out with love to East Orlando. Love Wins!

The Courageous Thing!
November 20, 2008, 10:53 am
Filed under: Personal | Tags: , , , , ,

Courage for what’s ahead. Sometimes, well most of the time, not knowing what lies ahead for us can be a little scary. We definitely live in uncertain times. Courage to look forward in the face of such pessimism and angst is difficult. So I feel like today we need a little boost, a little encouragement. I did say we (me included). You can always find what you need in God’s Words to us (His children), the Bible!

Psalm 42:5

Why am I discouraged?

Why is my heart so sad?

I will put my hope in God!

I will praise him again—my Savior and my God!

Is your hope truly resting in God? It’s a conscious decision. Hope in God and praise Him. That is the courageous thing to do!

Another Crazy Monday!
November 17, 2008, 5:42 pm
Filed under: Church, LOVE | Tags: , , ,

It has been a crazy little Monday in the offices today. After reviewing how things went at C3 Church yesterday I am just beyond excitement. We had a great group in our new members experience called “Discovering C3” or “DC3” for short. I had a great time sharing with all the new people and giving them a behind the scenes look at C3 Church and what makes us who we are.

Pastor Byron also shared a great message with the C3 about “Great Sex” (a Biblical look at the subject) as a part of our “Google” series of messages. Truly the message of “Great sex is achieved when it’s not about me” was hammered home as we looked at how we can be better husbands and wives and have stronger marriages that honor God.

We also had an awesome response to our sign up to adopt 100 families in East Orlando for four weeks starting Nov. 30. It’s incredible that we will feed these families for a solid month and share our love with them over the holidays wanting nothing in return. It is just so awesome that in a tough economy where churches are cutting ministry budgets that C3 has decided to kick it up and do more to reach the community because people are truly hurting right now and need to have some hope and love showed to them. If not the church, then who is going to do it? Now is not the time to cut ministry to people, it’s time to minister even more to their needs and show the love of Christ.

All in all not a bad little Sunday. The coming weeks are only going to get better. Remember, to INVEST AND INVITE and continue to show the Love of Jesus because LOVE WINS!

What a crazy Monday!

Monday, Monday
November 10, 2008, 12:24 pm
Filed under: Church, Connections, LOVE | Tags: ,

Usually Mondays are a weird little day. Today is different because it is the first day back in the office as a staff at C3 Church. We have been a remote office for some time now working individually out of our homes. We are now all back together and it feels pretty awesome. And you can’t help but feel pumped after a service like Sunday at C3 Church.

We are going to be adopting 100 families in East Orlando for the entire month leading up to Christmas. We will be feeding these families for the entire month. Everyone is totally stoked about helping these families without any strings attached. It is all about CONNECTING THE COMMUNITY WITH CHRIST! We will also be giving these families Christmas presents for their kids. We are all about making an impact in our community and it’s a great opportunity that God has given us help people in need.

Thanks C3 for kickin’ it up a notch with reaching out to the community. Remember Love Wins!

Ahh, Some Peace And Quiet
November 6, 2008, 6:17 pm
Filed under: Personal, Pop Culture | Tags: , ,

It had seemed like the world had been on hold since the summer as we waited to see who the next President would be. We have been bombarded by advertisements, speeches, speeches, (and did I say speeches?) debates, phone calls, polls, etc. etc…. since the political conventions. It’s been a crazy political season with everyone blogging and posting things on Facebook, Myspace and who knows what else. Just like I said in my last post, even though I love politics I am just weary of it all.

So to wrap things up in this political season, thank God it’s over! Congratulations to President Elect Barack Obama and all the winners in this election. No matter who you voted for we need to pray for them as they lead us in government. We need to pray that God will protect them, to guide them in their decisions and to keep them ethically and morally above board. If they succeed in the governance of our great country then we succeed as well. If they fail, well, we all fail.

So it’s done and all I can say is ahh, finally some peace and quiet.

Calling The Election
November 4, 2008, 9:31 pm
Filed under: Personal, Pop Culture | Tags: , , , ,

Alright here I go. I have a minor in political science. I just love politics. Even though I love politics I am a little weary of all the electioneering this political season has created. But right now at 9:19 pm, east coast time I will be calling the election for Barack Obama. Why would I call it? Well, there was one key state that McCain needed to win to be President and he did not. That state is Ohio. So I believe at this early stage we will have President Elect, Barack Obama by later this evening. McCain’s chances of reaching 270 votes in the electoral college I believe is impossible.

I want everyone to remember that God is in control and that He is our provider, not the government. So no matter if Republicans or if Democrats are in control of Washington we are going to be fine. So let’s pray for our leaders and pray for the favor of God on our great country.

November 4, 2008, 9:20 am
Filed under: Personal, Pop Culture | Tags: , ,

I voted! You should vote! We live in the greatest country in the world where we have the right to choose who we want to lead us. So go choose and remember we are not only electing a President only but we are also electing congressmen, senators, state and local officials and state and local referendums and amendments. Exercise your Constitutional right and participate in our representative republic! Go vote!
