
Proud of C3 Church!
August 30, 2009, 8:59 pm
Filed under: Church, Pop Culture | Tags: , , ,

C3 logo 2

Listen y’all. I am so proud to be a church that is making an impact in our city! Check out this front page article about C3 Church in the Orlando Sentinel on Saturday!

Strip Malls Get Saved By Churches!

New Tweet From Shamgar
July 14, 2009, 10:57 am
Filed under: Church | Tags: , , ,


Use what you have. What could God use, that he’s already given you, to help you today?

If you’re focused on what you don’t have, you can’t see what you do have… What has God blessed you with that you’ve overlooked?

The “Fish” Or The “Net”
May 26, 2009, 1:01 am
Filed under: Church, Personal | Tags: ,

Well, what to say? I have recently had a conversation of sorts (electronic/internet/blog) with a friend that has some specific views on how a church should do ministry and reach out to people who don’t know Christ. The conversation was civil and good natured. I will also say that this person was not any part of C3 Church or the church that preceeded C3 so this conversation was not driven by the particular set of circumstances that involved the transition of C3 Church. So this person is a personal friend who has a point of view of what some would call “seeker sensitive” churches.

What was truly sad about the whole exchange is that my friend seemed to equate anything that was creative or out of the box thinking for reaching non-Christians as being flawed and shallow without merit for changing people’s lives. My friend had a such a set of pre-conceived notions about “seeker sensitive” churches that no matter how I tried to spur a different way of thinking about  church it was automatically rebuffed.

I realize that if you ask ten different churched people the definition of “seeker sensitive” you will get ten different answers with most of them having a negative conotation. The fact of the matter is we have never labeled C3 as seeker sensitive but we have said that we are definitely sensitive to people seeking meaning to their lives. We have the answer, and it is Jesus Christ.

Here is my last response to my friend and the response I got back.


Not only I but many of my Christian brothers not only are working our hardest to see people saved but also withstanding attacks from our Christian brothers. It seems that so many times we are fighting the forces of Satan and the forces of religiosity all at the same time. So it just is very personal for me. I guess that is a part of the burden that we must carry. I know that normal people were not offended by the Gospel that Jesus brought when He was on the Earth, it was only the religious elite that were screaming bloody murder and eventually had Jesus killed. So, I know I’m in good company and God sees my heart. I know that you meant nothing personal. I would just love for everyone’s focus to be on the “fish” instead of the “net”. Thanks for the discussion and God bless you _______ and your ministry.


Just remember…nets get holes sometimes. :) People will eventually get tired of all the cool, flashy, nets…and then what remains? The fact that we should be building relationships with people, and preaching the truth…that is the “net” that will remain firm when our culture and society constantly fluctuates… That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!

What was sad that even in the response the “net” was the focus not the “fish”.  What my friend seems not to get is that the “net” is not what we use to keep the “fish” once they are caught. Once the “fish” are caught they are hauled onto the the “boat” which is the truth of scripture and the life changing power of Jesus Christ. So it’s ok if the net fluctuates and is fluid in order to initially catch the “fish”. In fact I don’t think a rigid net that never fluctuated would be very effective in catching fish. The fact of the matter is that when the “fish” is the focus the relationships are built the truth is preached and lives are changed.

I tried through the exchanges to get the point accross that the message of Jesus Christ and the Gospel were sound and unchangeable but the vehicle or way we delivered that message should change and be relavant to our culture. My friend was so convinced that marketing, relavant worship, excellent media etc. was so antithetical to the truth of scripture that the mere use of any of these tools meant that the church was watered down or subscribed to a social doctrine of the Gospel. I could not convince my friend that you could have marketing, relavant worship, excellent media etc. AND the truth of scripture and genuine life change in people.

I’ve said all of that to say this. I hope that I never become so hyper focused on just one view or angle that I can’t see anything else. It’s like the old proverbial saying, “You can’t see the forest, for the trees”. It was like there was only one thing going on over and over in my friend’s mind to the point that nothing else I could say would even get them to look at something through different eyes. I hope I’m always looking for new ways and new ideas to reach people. The way that we do church should never be static. Evaluation of the methods and way we do church, to present the unchangable truth of scripture, should constantly be on the table for discussion. I hope I am always sitting at that table because the “fish” are what matters not the “net”!

C3 Church May Baptisms
May 17, 2009, 10:43 pm
Filed under: Church, Connections, LOVE | Tags: ,

We had an incredible afternoon where we baptized more than 25 people at the Blanchard Park YMCA! It is just incredible to see how God is changing lives at C3 Church!

Baptism May 09

People in line to get baptized in their C3 shirts!

Baptism May 09-2

More people in line waiting to get dunked!

Baptism May 09-3

Some friends & family watching Pastor Byron & Pastor Barry Baptizing C3ers!

Baptism May 09-4

The incredible “C3 Church baptism celebration”, vanilla cake with buttercream frosting and strawberry filling made by Davis Bakery in Avalon Park. The cake was unbelievable!

Another all around great day at C3 Church!

So You’re Dead… Now What?
April 16, 2009, 9:03 am
Filed under: Church | Tags: , ,

This Sunday we start a new message series called “So You’re Dead…Now What?” We will be taking a look at what happens to us after we die. This should be a provacative and life-changing message series. Death is the big unknown to us, so we are going to unlock the mysteries of what happens when our life ends and our eternity begins. Come join us at C3 Church. You don’t want to miss it!


Easter @ C3 Church
April 13, 2009, 4:45 pm
Filed under: Church, Connections | Tags: ,

We had a great day at C3. We had over 10 professions of faith and over 840 people in attendance. The presence of God was inescapable at church yesterday. The energy was incredible as God changed so many lives. The message of the Christ’s crucifixion from the perspective of the theif on the cross was powerful as the last message in the “Right Where You Are” series. So many lives were touched as we wrapped up our “Feed the Families” food drive as well. It was one of those Sundays where you just had to thank God for the way that He moved. I feel so blessed to be a part of a ministry that has a heart to connect the community with Christ. Easter @ C3 Church! Unbelievable!

Just Finished The Curriculum
April 1, 2009, 10:00 am
Filed under: Church | Tags: ,

Hey y’all, I just finished the Community Group Curriculum for this week and let me just say, “I am pumped!” I really believe that God is going to speak to people this week through Pastor Byron’s message and the Community Group Curriculum that the C3 Management Team has developed to go along with it! It is truly incredible to see how God is changing people’s lives on a weekly basis at C3 Church. I am so blessed to be a part of this movement called C3! Continue to pray for your C3 Management team and each other. Don’t miss Sunday, it’s going to be sick! Remember, Love Wins!

PS Remember you can access the Community Group Curriculum through our church website when you click on the “Check out the messages” box and then click on the CG icon. (Here’s a link for all of you lazy people! 🙂 )


I Did Not Blog Last Week
March 30, 2009, 3:45 pm
Filed under: Church, Personal | Tags:

Yes, I know, I did not blog last week. Although I know the 40 of you that read my blog were probably not that disappointed. 🙂 So the good news is I am blogging today. It was a very busy week last week but good all the same. Sunday was a phenomenal day as Jamey Ragle spoke at C3 yesterday. Attendance was also incredible for a Spring Break weekend. Well that’s about it for now, for a Monday. I promise I’ll blog more this week.

What An Opportunity!
March 17, 2009, 9:03 am
Filed under: Church, Connections, LOVE | Tags: , ,

I was talking with Barry Leathers this morning and he told me that we had a total of 32 first time guests on last Sunday! What? That is really incredible. God is really moving in the hearts of people and it is incredible to see what God is doing at C3 Church. I was so excited when I heard this that I immediately emailed everyone on the Connections Team and told them to keep up the good work of making people feel welcome because we are only going to see more and more people walk through the doors at C3! In these times of uncertainty we have a huge opportunity to reach people with the message of Christ! So keep investing and inviting C3ers and give God the praise for what He is doing in our Church! Love Wins!


YOU HAVE GOT TO READ THIS! (click here for link)

Nothing Like A Monday Morning!
February 23, 2009, 1:47 pm
Filed under: Church, Personal | Tags: , ,

Monday mornings are usually never a big hit with anyone. Let’s admit it. It’s just hard to get going after a weekend of rest and relaxation or an intense Sunday of work as a Pastor. Sundays are an emotional and physical drain because in most every pastor’s view, Sundays are your biggest chance to reach people so you don’t want to mess it up. Pastor Byron and the rest of the Management Team pour our prayers and our hearts into Sundays and in some respects are sad to see them pass but know we have another Sunday coming up which we need to work hard to get ready for.

With that said let me talk about yesterday just a little. What another amazing day at C3 Church. A great Sunday morning of worship, communion and hearing what the Word of God says about jealousy. Next on the Sunday’s agenda were baptisms. We had 25 people baptised yesterday afternoon at the Blanchard YMCA. Their family and friends came out as we celebrated what God is doing in the lives of so many new Christians at C3 Church. It was just an incredible time! Then it was off to Community Group. We had 18 people in our CG last night. Four brand new people for the first time. God is just growing our CG’s and our bond with each other as we see Him moving at C3 Church.

In conclusion not bad for a Sunday. Yes I am tired and drained but I am so pumped and encouraged by the movement of God in our church. So good-bye Sunday, hello Monday and Sunday is coming back around again.