
The Process
August 4, 2009, 7:36 am
Filed under: Personal | Tags: , ,

God if you won’t take me over it then give me the strength to get through.

If you won’t take me around it then help me bear up under.

If you won’t take me out of it then help me stand.

Because I know your desired result is not what is at the end of it.

Your desire is who I become through the process.

By: Darrell Loper

High School Musical
May 14, 2009, 9:17 am
Filed under: Andrea, Family, LOVE, Personal, Pop Culture | Tags: ,

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March 17, 2008, 1:05 pm
Filed under: Personal | Tags: , ,

39. What can I say? I really used to think as a young kid that I would never be this old. I always thought that God would have come back before now. It seems like yesterday I was only 18. That’s funny too, because I can remember “older” folks saying that when I turned 18 and I just thought they were crazy. I guess life just has a way of getting back at you. At least I married a young beautiful woman 4 1/2 years ago. That will keep me young. And who knows maybe I’ll become a father in my 39th year. To all of my friends who have wished me a happy B-day. Thanks. To Byron who always likes to make fun of my age, you’re only a year behind me and I look considerably younger than you. The facts are just the facts. So here’s to 39 years and to the next 39.