
Wow, Where Have All The Blogs Gone?
August 1, 2009, 8:52 am
Filed under: Personal, Technology | Tags: ,

I don’t blog as much anymore but I am not alone. It has been 15 days since my last blog but I believe that I along with everyone else has been hit by a hurricane that has wiped out our blogging. I think that hurricane’s name is “Twitter”. We still are blogging but it is now done in 150 characters or less. I believe it’s not because we don’t want to blog and share our thoughts. I just think it’s easier and faster to jot down a quick blurb about our lives every so often during the day. I also think it’s more spontaneous than blogging. When you blog you really have to organize thoughts and then put them in writing. With Twitter all you have to do is to post what you are thinking at the moment. No thinking about it, no organization required. We are also living in such a fast paced, quick world that our free time is less and less so tweeting is far more preferrable.

So as much as I tweet, I hope that blogging doesn’t go away completely. I love them both. Although I might not blog as much, I tweet all the time. So I promise to try to find time to blog a little more, but in the meantime follow me on Twitter. My Twitter ID is darrellloper. So see you on Twitter and on every once in a while on WordPress. So, where have all the blogs gone?